Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Is my website elligible for the 1499 € offer ?

    If your website is a presentation website, it is eligible for the 1499€ offer. For instance, if you wish to do a website with photos, want to showcase your work, share your contact details, submit forms, publish your articles, embedded with facebook widgets and links to your professional pages ... you are eligble to the offer.

  2. My website is not a presentation website. Is it still eligle for the 1499 € offer ?

    No, it is not eligle, but this doesn't mean it is necessarily 10 times more complex. We are more than happy to see with you what your needs in terms of development and find with you the best solution

  3. I want to proceed with the service. Can I pay by instalment ?

    For presentation website, we do not accept payment by instalment. However for every other project, we usually work with the following rule: 50% deposit, 50% when we deliver you the service

  4. I want to do an app or a project that is none of the following: presentation website, e-commerce platform , data mining. Can I still contact you ?

    Yes, we are technological generalists, and we can also help you on a broad variety of projects: apps, embedded software, hardware integration ...

  5. Do you do the maintenance and once the project is complete, how does it work, how much does it cost ?

    Yes, after the project is done, you will have access to your custom admin interface, where you can edit the text of your website, upload new photos ...
    We also host your website on OVH, the world number 1's hosting website solutions. For a presentation website, with normal traffic, we charge you a fee of 1.99€ / mounth.
    This is exactly the price of hosting your website directly on OVH (We don't make any margin as intermediaries).
    Also in case you wish to internalize your website will have access to 100% of the code. We have seen many cases where web agencies hid property rights somewhere in the contract, and we know how frustrating it can be. We chose a completely different policy: you are the full owner of your website's code, you can edit it whenever you want.