Your 1 499€ website

Quick and inexpensive website design

Discover our services

What we do = code + design

A single offer for all SMEs wishing to enhance their online visibility and attract new clients.

Our offer

The visual aspect of the website will be specifically adapted to your needs.

Advice on web content. This will allow you to have the best possible impact on your potential clients.

Search engine referencing to boost your online visibility.

Detailed presentation of your services and products.

Presentation of your activity and line of work.

Contact form for your clients.

Integration of a Google map with the location of your company on it.

Easy to use admin interface to allow you to add content in the future.

1499 € including VAT.
Why you should choose us?

Simple and fast service

We have optimized our work process to quickly respond to your needs. We will make it as easy as possible for you.

Very competitive prices

In addition to the help we provide for web content generation, there are no maintenance fees. Web hosting is provided at the public price of the OVH web hosting company, meaning we do not earn anything from it.

Transparent services

Quoted price is the real price
We refuse to make our clients pay extra for "options" which are usually necessary features. Our competitors use this as a way to artificially inflate the final price.

Remain free

We will provide the entirety of the source code of your website, on demand. If you wish we can also help you host your website on your own server.

More services

We are a multi-focused programming company

Presentation website

You want a simple and efficient website to attract new clients, showcase your company and work : discover our simple 1499 € creation process for presentation websites.

E-Commerce and more complex websites

You want to sell your products online, or are in need of any custom website?

App development

You want to develop an app for your company or have a project in mind?
We develop on every mobile platform

1499 € (including taxes)

On demand

On demand


A few examples of our creations.


20 times larger iPad

Le Code Bar

Food ordering platform

Paris Shopping

E-Commerce website


Construction company


The masterpiece table


Sport community platform


Why you should work with us

Tailored design

A visually impressive website is essential in a highly competitive environment. We will ensure you get noticed by your clients and get the design you deserve.

Business enhancement

When designing a website we focus on helping our clients promote their strengths. The contents will accurately describe who you are, what you do, and why you are the best choice for future clients.

Competitive cost

Our focus on efficiency makes us the most competitive company in the field. We are cheaper than all other alternatives while maintaining the highest quality standards.

Our process

We believe in keeping the design process as simple and transparent as possible for our clients. Our 5 step program will ensure you get exactly what you want!

  • Preliminary contact

    You complete a preliminary contact form. We will call you back in 24 hours to discuss your project and briefly explain the next steps.

  • Website Form

    You will receive a form to send us information essential for designing your website, such as a description of your product and activity. We will also require a few images.

  • Quotation

    We will send you a quotation (for exactly 999€). Once payment has been processed we will begin work on your website.

  • First version and meeting

    We will show you the first version and arrange a meeting (by phone, Skype Hangouts, ...) at your convenience. We will take note of any proposed changes.

  • Final version

    We will produce a final version. We will answer any questions you have and help you manage the website through the interface (for tasks such as adding new images, ...).


Daniel Jautzy

An engineer by training, Daniel founded Le Far Web following a 10+ years career in finance / investment banking in Mergers & Acquisitions. He brings a "Corporate" perspective on your digital challenges and assists you in growing your online presence with a strong emphasis on consulting to solve your business challenges.


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